Designing Email Campaigns with ChatGPT, Bing & MidJourney

Cookie Day

So today is national cookie day and I send email campaigns out to 50,000 people every week with a $5 discount on car service.

I use to see what holidays are occurring today and pick my favorite.

Can’t go wrong with Cookie Day.

First thing: I ask ChatGPT, Bing Creator and MidJourney for a “National Cookie Day Image”

ChatGTP nailed it instantly — primarily adding the Text which MidJourney can’t do yet.

I then ask ChatGPT to give me 5 possible headlines — I like “Get Ready to Crumble…”

Next I’m asking for colors that compliment and accent the image.

Finally I ask ChatGPT for an interesting fact about National Cookie Day when I think of Cookie Monster and decide to see what kind of pics I get and love what I’m getting out of Bing vs MidJourney

I then ask for some interesting facts about Cookie Monster.

I pop in the facts at the bottom along with a link to learn more about National Cookie day

Since these emails are always the same — $5 off, I like using the day’s holiday to make each offer more interesting and possibly a joy for these 50k people to learn something interesting that day.


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