What the Musk Twitter move means for marketing

Let’s talk about what the  Musk Twitter move means for marketing, part 1.

He’s throwing down $43 billion to quote “be the platform for free speech around the world”

What if he’s looking to turn Twitter into a Web3 platform?

What’s Web3? Here’s Joe Pulizzi 

What does this mean for marketing? 

Those who create, connect. 

Stay tuned for part 2.

Elon Musk’s $43 billion offer to buy Twitter — which was made public on Thursday — was first made in a 281-character message to the company. Twitter’s character limit for a tweet is 280.
— Bloomberg
I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy.
— Musk formal letter to Bret Taylor, chairman of Twitter’s board
My strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform that is maximally trusted and broadly inclusive is extremely important to the future of civilization.
— Elon Musk · TED 2022 conference

What is WEB3

Web3 is the internet owned by the builders and users, orchestrated with tokens.
— Chris Dixon, Entrepreneur and Cofounder, AZ16
Creators can truly own what they produce and enable and control new value creation. And where a currency for the Web truly revolutionizes access for everyone.
— Hessie Jones · Forbes
With strong problem solving skills and analytical abilities, new entrants don’t need an expensive Bloomberg terminal nor access to sell side research reports. Twitter, YouTube, Discord, Telegram channels are all highly accessible/free tools for the public to use to learn, research, and discuss crypto. This is access to free education content that helps you develop mental frameworks for your trading and investment decisions. This makes cryptos a more equitable game to build wealth for the long term, offering those who are not resource rich an opportunity.
— Mark Xue · Kaiju Capital Management
We are still very early, but not learning how to play the game is the biggest risk. Staying on the sideline is the biggest risk. In this new paradigm, money will be lost but also tremendous wealth will be made.
— Hrid Biswas · Kaiju Capital Management
Projects are extremely faster than what it was in the traditional web2 industries. Codes are open-source; teams are global; products are permission-less and payments are executed instantly. This creates an incredibly exciting and rewarding playground for hard-working entrepreneurs.
— Mete Gultekin · Tokenomics
What I do know is that a younger generation than the ‘80s I was born in is more minimalist, consumes digital goods, digital entertainment, like social tokens and NFTs, and wants to be part of the cool tribe. That’s what Web3 is offering them.
— Roxana Nasoi · Launchpool Labs
This decentralized web continues to attract record investment, pulling in $30 B in VC investment in 2021, with a total market cap exceeding $3 T.
— Hessie Jones · Forbes
I think the time to consider this entire asset class as a “phase”, or “fad”, has long passed. You’re seeing the most conservative, risk-averse Sell Side institutions now taking their first meaningful positions in tokenized assets
— Ryan Pannell · Kaiju Capital Management
The vision of ‘democratized services and information’ was actually the same for Web 1.0. Back in 1996, John Perry Barlow wrote ‘A Declaration of the Independence of CyberSpace’, which spoke of the internet as an independent and equal realm of free thought and ideas.
— Alaric Aloor · Archonsec



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