
The fastest pricing estimates for your marketing.

Maintenance Discounts

Our rate has been $100 / hour the last 10 years

Introducing lower rates

  • Our new maintenance program extends discounts to longer-term marketing investments.

    Choose a maintenance package which works best for your budget.

    Our most successful maintenance & support programs involves checking in weekly or bi-weekly 

    We collaborate in a shared Google Doc setting a scope of work, goals, milestones, notes and tutorials. 

    As a maintenance package budget nears completion we use AI to condense and sum up our meeting notes and gauge our accomplishments and discuss what maintenance package is ideal to continue with.

    Every maintenance budget employs a scope of work and we constantly ask are we hitting our goals.


Monthly Strategic & Supporting Weekly

We work on your marketing every week no matter what.

Anyone from your business can attend. Nobody has to attend. Your marketing improves every week.

$500 / Month

A standing weekly meeting and/or weekly work session.

Let’s meet every week, the same time over Zoom and I’ll teach you video editing. Or, we’ll work on your website together or I’ll work on things for you that you’ve emailed as non-emergency (i.e. can be done as a schedule effort).

We don’t talk or work outside of that meeting time.

It’s a consistent effort, same bat-time, same bat-channel, to review and go over things together or do whatever you need the same time, the same amount of time, every week, every month. A 3-month commitment is required to get the most benefit.

Website Marketing Packages



  • Template landing page customized in content and branding.

  • Logo & Branding, About, Video Carousel, Contact & Links

  • Structure & UI is fixed.

  • 15 short videos included



  • Traditional landing focused around short videos

  • Hero, About, Featured Videos, Testimonials, Who, Products, Newsletter Sign-Up, Call to Action

  • 15 — 30 short videos included


$7,500 — $10,000


$10,000 — $20,000

  • Custom Javascript Aps

  • 12 weeks of weekly meetings

  • 3 months of short videos

  • Email newsletter set-up

  • Automated social media posting across 6 channels

  • AI Video Editing

  • AI Voice Cloning

  • Logo Vectorization and / or redraw

  • AI corrected or enhanced imaging

    • Clean up profile images

    • Improve low quality images