Small Bus depending on social exploring other options after Facebook outage


Buzzfeed featured an article today where several small business Instagramers lost enough money yesterday to remind them how vulnerable they are.

The theme throughout the article: develop your website as a home base.

Instagram is basically how I run my entire business, and I would say 95% to 99% of my clients reach out to me for the first time on Instagram
— Daisey Miller · Owner of a holistic wellness center

“It was also a sobering reminder that her business lacked independence from social media and the content creation mill that had grown her following.” — Buzzfeed

It made me realize that I do need to do more, and so it’s really urged me to finish up with a website, and I think I’m going to start a newsletter where people will give me their emails, even if they’re not current clients of mine
— Daisey Miller via Buzzfeed

While many clients I work with didn’t lose the type of business this and many articles are describing, it’s there to remind us that anything going up on social media should go on our website.

When you look at all the content you’re posting in that light, it will change how you post — harder — but it will be better in the long run.


Finding Marketing Truth


Facebook’s bad day and how you should approach social media with your marketing