Story-driven Marketing and “More Than A Jacket”
I can’t think of a single company I’ve worked with over the past 24 years that couldn’t describe their product or service as it relates to the people that use those products and services.
Watch this 60 second video that does it perfectly: “More than a jacket” which is getting press for it’s “Story-driven” marketing approach.
I was just talking with my son who is studying Apple as part of his INCubator class and we discussed the Think Different campaign from 1997.
A Story-Driven Marketing Exercise
Write a 60 second narration of how you would tell the story of something you sell — not about the product, but it’s effect on the perfect customer. By perfect I mean someone who loves what you provided.
Below is my attempt at such an exercise around marketing. What do you think?
We’ve never had so much power
Getting our story out
Showing people who we really are
Growing our tiny business into something great
Making our community better
Making our customers better
All because of these amazing marketing tools
That only the biggest companies had access to
Which We Now Have
And they're
and Better than ever
We can create world class photography
Cinematic videos
Intimate podcasts
And journalistic headlines
that finds and inspires people
to know we exist
to understand what we offer
and rave about us to their friends
Market better
Market cheaper
Market with us at:
The Marketing Store