Happy World Wide Web Day!

First web page, August 6th, 1991

First web page, August 6th, 1991

On 6 August 1991, Tim Berners Lee turned on the first web server and served up the very first web page.

On 30 April 1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to use for anyone


On 30 June 2021, the source code for the world wide web was auctioned off as an NFT for 5.4 million dollars.

NFTs represent the most appropriate means of ownership that exists
— Tim Berners-Lee
Today, August 6, 2021 we are celebrating World Wide Web day with an NFT Art Auction and a commitment to education and career advancement for the youth of our community through digital marketing.

The following pictures were predominantly taken with an iPhone 6, while biking along the Fox River over the last 5 years and then stylized with a phone app called Prisma.

We are establishing an NFT Auction of selected artwork from this series with the hopes of funding our marketing intern program with software, gear and paid community marketing projects.

Riverbank NFT Art Action

How you can help

Visit our Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram accounts and like the pictures you feel would do best in the auction. We’ll choose the ones with the most likes and kick off the bidding.

Invite a student to join our program

We’re accepting applications to join the next session starting August 18. We have students from BHS, from Depaul University, Michigan University with several more starting this fall and continuing to work with client while at school.

What the Web’s Saying


The Riverbank NFT Art Auction for Marketing Interns


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