Take creativity out of marketing

Why is “creativity” so predominate in marketing discussions when so many other things are more easily defined and are more powerful than creativity?


It’s actually harder today to produce content that looks like a true representation of reality and not produced, staged or cropped in a way that is selling us. Here’s a tip: leave little mistakes in. Try to create content that is immediate and more in the moment. You stand out more when it feels real vs how creative you get.


Humans value predictable patterns above everything. Especially since the pandemic. While it seems like a no-brainer from a banding standpoint, I’m surprised how many don’t nail down font and color palette standards (they get creative).

The harder and more understandable challenge is the consistency in which organizations push out content.

There again is a great example of brands getting creative with their marketing but then dropping the ball when it comes to consistently reaching out to their audience every week.


Spelling is easy. That’s not what we’re talking about. Think about statements you’re making. Can you back things up with numbers, cite sources? Drill into specifics. Everyone is passionate and cares about their employees and customers. What can you say that nobody else can?


I’m surprised at how many visuals brands put out which are bad lighting, small our undersized and look fuzzy or poorly framed. Or even visuals which are gargantuan in file size so they drag down the loading of content.

Low quality visuals can actually undersell an organization and a visitor starts to equate the quality of the visual experience with the quality expectation of what the company’s products and services will be.

Get creative only after you can tick the boxes on authenticity, consistency, accuracy and quality and I believe you’ll find your marketing connecting more actively with your audience.

Why did Google Reject this Post?

At 8 seconds, this is the shortest video I’ve ever made and if you look at the content of the video, it’s also the sparsest and Google rejected the post. When I visited their guidelines, there’s nothing I could find that explains this.

I’ve seen examples of this with other marketers and platforms and offer it as evidence as to why you must be sure your content exists on multiple channels and most importantly on your website (vs many who post constantly to social but don’t have the same content on their site).

Typically posts are rejected due to content or because of the photo/image being used or if your business is in a “sensitive” topics area. Sometimes words within the post will trigger a post rejection. The word may seem benign, but it may be on Google’s “offensive” word list.
— https://www.searchenginejournal.com/

Take your page not found to an eleven


May is marketing mental health awareness month