Google Business: Reviews — Getting & Managing

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 I'm gonna show you today how to work with your Your business profile manager with Google. Because it's changed a lot and it's gotten really hard to use in my opinion, so I'm gonna go to my account here, and the confusing part is that you've got all these options.

You can add pictures, you can add posts. And that's all good. And you can edit a lot of stuff here about contact location. But a lot of stuff that we used to have, it's just gone. And you can read reviews, but you can't edit them through here. And that's because they changed this. This is focused mostly on managing your reviews, which I think is really important.

And this is what they've changed. So if you go to see your profile it will show you. These tools, and I didn't see this. I don't know what all this stuff is here, ads but I didn't see this before. So these are your tools now. So this is what makes it confusing is that a lot of your admin is all done through the Google search as opposed to other screen I showed you.

And in particular, the reason why I'm doing this is because we wanna get lots of reviews and I like to help customers get reviews and I like to help them manage their account. So two things that are important here if I go to read reviews, the key here is I want to be able to respond here, but I also wanna get more reviews.

So if I click on this link, I can get this link. And why this link is important is because you have this thing called URL mappings in Squarespace, where you go to settings, advanced URL mappings, and then here what?

What this allows you to do is it allows you to put into your website, so orbis or slash reviews will then take me to this link, so I copy. And I put that in there and I hit 3 0 1. And then when somebody types in your website slash reviews, they'll instantly be pulled up to the Google Review form, which they can hit five stars and leave a review.

It's a nice way that if you're in the middle of a great transaction with a customer, you can say, Hey, would you mind giving me a good review? And then you can verbally tell 'em something that's easy to remember. Go to so it's a nice little verbal thing.

The other thing I like to do is be able to help manage it. I ask the customer, if you gimme access to your account or add me as a user, I can help you with some of this stuff. And this is how you add people.

And it took me forever to find this. Click on this and you go to,

Oh, see, I got lost again. I thought it was under here after I looked for an hour. But where it is I have to go to business profile settings. and then managers. Again, I don't know why you can't find that on the screen. It's crazy. But this is where you want to add managers and then you can send an email address and then you can make 'em a manager.

Never make them an owner. You should always be the owner. Bad things happen. So that's it. I wanted to help you find some key things that I've struggled with and help managing your Google business profile.


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